发表于 2015-3-7 18:32:43
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" z' z& M7 @- J, r- Y: oSEIDO, Subprocuraduría Especializada en Investigación de Delincuencia Organizada (English: Assistant Attorney General's Office for Special Investigations on Organized Crime), is the organized-crime division of Mexico's Office of the Attorney General.
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, w2 Q4 d3 q/ `% uIn October 2012, the organization changed its name from SIEDO to SEIDO.
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来源于维基百科。5 n- b8 v; ?( |6 K
9 M% r q' P9 Z; c9 I# x
图中原文是西班牙文,维基百科给了英文注释,大致可以确定,图片背景是墨西哥缉毒部门的一次行动或者展示,说的不是中国贪官故事。 |