发表于 2015-6-27 18:43:23
以下是一位美国空军少将(MAJOR GENERAL)的教育背景:! q4 F5 w. z8 w# F
: t5 u( Y6 d" T- A1978 Bachelor of Science(理学士) degree in aeronautical engineering, U.S. Air Force Academy(美国空军学院), Colorado Springs, Colo. 9 f. J2 W2 ~+ @! C2 y0 b5 _
1982 Master of Science degree(理学硕士) in systems management, University of Southern California(南加州大学)
# j6 A1 K9 e, }/ M% R3 ?$ s" A1990 Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, Ala.4 F8 }+ m" X, E w. z
1996 Master of Science degree (理学硕士)in national security strategy, National War College(国家战争学院), Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, D.C.
3 ]; C: |) o3 x* M1 D, {4 J) H6 e; L' l2002 Center for Executive Leadership, Federal Executive Institute, Charlottesville, Va., `8 ^7 N/ m3 Y: S$ ?0 D2 O
2003 Capstone, National Defense University, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, D.C.
; x8 S9 T, V7 K2004 Combined Force Air Component Commander Course, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
3 L: c' g L2 ^ J' ^ [2005 Senior Information Warfare Applications Course, Maxwell AFB, Ala. 4 h) z+ q6 N" m7 `9 |! A: G, w) b
$ M) ?) @9 a/ r以下是一位西点军校教授(上校Colonel)的教育背景:5 n4 y" M+ x2 P$ D- F& [
+ t0 ]3 O( ` [. I/ ?8 y• (PhD博士) Pennsylvania State University(宾夕法尼亚州立大学), Physical Chemistry (1985)
' ^* z* Q5 }8 r1 J6 ?8 s, t• (MS理学硕士) Pennsylvania State University(宾夕法尼亚州立大学), Physical Chemistry (1979)
7 o" s4 v( x* G4 {8 R$ q) Y• (BS理学士) Unites States Military Academy (西点军校) (1970)4 |# [& e" I& a, X! G/ F0 f7 f
. I6 U4 |7 I. v! X' R |